I’m working on Python 2.7.
import collections
sub_ind_novo = [Ntodos.index(i) for i in b if i in Ntodos]
(where Ntodos contains many names, among which are those that make up the list "b" and this part was to know their information when they occur in "Ntodos")
#counter_ger=Counter({u'Fe60': 12, u'Falag60': 8, u'Pe60': 6, u'Chaf60': 4, u'Par': 4, u'Vila': 4, u'Per60': 4, u'Cast60': 4, u'Fala150': 3, u'Tab60': 3, u'Zez': 3, u'Pe220': 2, u'Chaf220': 1, u'Fe220': 1})
#a=[4, 8, 3, 4, 4, 12, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 6, 4]
#b=[u'Chaf60', u'Falaga60', u'Fal150', u'Par', u'Vila', u'Fe60', u'Pe60', u'Chaf220', u'Pe220', u'Tab60', u'Zez', u'Fe220', u'Pe60', u'Cast60']
#sub_ind_novo=[96, 101, 7, 42, 39, 99, 97, 23, 18, 94, 67, 68, 95, 100]
To relate a p_prod list to the previous ones, having the values of b in common I used this:
def indicesDeElementoNaLista(elementoProcurado, lista):
return [i for (i, elemento) in enumerate(lista) if elemento == elementoProcurado]
def elementosNasPosicoes(lista, posicoes):
return [lista[i] for i in posicoes]
prod_barr = {}
for elemento in b:
posicoes = indicesDeElementoNaLista(elemento, sub_todaas)
elementosCorrespondentes.append(elementosNasPosicoes(p_prod, posicoes))
prod_barr[elemento] = elementosCorrespondentes
for i in elementosCorrespondentes:
for j in i:
#Lista=[4.223212, 35.955, 28.54111, 6.69015, 2.004056, 9.731978999999999, 3.508121, 0.7185728, 27.90795, 0.31004020000000004, 4.372325, 0.8837922, 99.0, 116.0, 36.0, 1.066429, 4.588346, 53.5449, 0.6904233000000001, 11.350000381469727, 17.450000762939453, 11.0, 20.1200008392334, 1.711943, 3.012495, 0.2186731, 4.320139, 12.5081, 0.3079727, 22.61825, 16.73781, 1.014131, 26.747880000000002, 0.019620460000000003, 0.6058, 11.27064, 14.42632, 1.147464, 4.8489889999999995, 38.0, 229.0, 20.639999389648438, 5.87853, 32.93286, 73.79299, 60.0, 50.0, 105.0, 20.979999542236328, 0.8396113000000001, 12.70308, 1.2727460000000002, 3.1277649999999997, 0.1861473, 6.1493329999999995, 21.105880000000003, 4.862599, 91.31339999999999, 1.014135]
I needed to have the result in shape: paragraph 96. G1 = 4.223212 no96. G2 = 35.955 no96. G3 = 28.54111 ... no69. G1 = 0.08837922 no95. G1 = 99.000000 no95. G2 = 116
so I did:
for i in range(0,len(a)):
if a[i]==1:
print ("no%d. G1 = %f \n" %(sub_ind_novo[i],Lista[i]))
for j in range(1,a[i]+1):
print ("no%d. G%d = %f \n" %(sub_ind_novo[i],j,Lista[i]))
the values of no and G are good, but I don’t know how to go through the list "List" there.. In fact the cycle goes from 0 to 14 which is the size of "a" and "List" has 59 elements. But as "a" is a list of occurrences, when it appears: G1, G2, G3, G4, until the number of this occurrence (elemntos of "a" at each iteration) will do the 59 at the end! Is there any way to do this?
tell me one thing... what relates List to the other lists we have. For example the element in a 15 of List, what has to do with the list
– Miguel
For example the first 4 values of "List", are the values of G1, G2, G3, G4 for the 1st iteration of for, where a!=1 and a=4. That is, Chaf60 in "b", appears 4 times in "sub_todaas" (list I do not have here but I think should be irrelevant) and corresponds to this 96 in "sub_ind_novo". Thus it should appear: no96.G1 = 4.223212 no96.G2 = 35.955 no96.G3 = 28.54111 no96.G4 = 6.69015 then no101.G1 = 2.004056 ... but I have to be aware of the condition when a[i]=1, where it can only do G1 and has to resume the order of "List"
– Sofia Raimundo
I think I got it... give me a minute
– Miguel
Why only the first 4? what is the condition to move to the next value of
?– Miguel
These 4 are the ones that belong to the same key as the counter_ger dictionary, which in this case is "Chaf60"
– Sofia Raimundo
I’m here trying to help but I feel like I have very little data. I’m trying
– Miguel
How do I know it’s to move to the Prox of
– Miguel
if it takes a few more, some list or something I can send, I just avoid sending because they are usually extensive and then ask to summarize and simplify the questions.. but I can! Thank you!
– Sofia Raimundo
No need here. But you can put it on google drive or http://www.filedropper.com/ and I’ll take a look at it
– Miguel
sub_ind_new is the list that contains the indices in which the names that appear in b, appear in a list of many names (Ntodos) and served only to fill in the "no" part and agree with the other code you already had. That helps?
– Sofia Raimundo