The command makes the inclusion of code based on a variable, so Phpstorm, which is an IDE that tries to analyze as much of what can happen to the code, cannot go any further in analyzing this, only during execution would it be able to know what will be included there. He gives science to this.
This code has several other problems.
It already starts with a running condition checking whether a file exists, and which may no longer exist between verification and its invocation. It may be rare, but it happens.
Then he makes a meaningless exception, no relevant information.
And it also includes code not only conditionally, which is already bad, but based on variable. It may be the right thing to do, but it’s rare. You have to know very well what you’re doing, understand all the consequences of this, you have to have a good reason. If this variable comes from an unreliable source, then it opens a huge security breach.
I will not talk about the use of SPL, because it is only my opinion :P
@bigown added the question.
– user45722