View with Ienumerable and Entityframework


Viewed 167 times


I own a Sales entity and it has several fields (Iditem, Datavenda, Valorvenda, Taxadesconto, Idcliente, Idcategorito and etc).

I already have all Views working for this entity(CRUD).

Now I will create a new View in which Customers will be presented in a grouped form with their respective totals.


1) I need to create a specific Model to represent this View?

2) In the database I can view this information using the following query => select b.IdCliente, b.NomeCliente, Sum(ValorVenda) as ValorVenda, Count(*) as TotalItens from TabVendas a inner join TabCliente b on a.IdCliente = b.IdCliente, how to do this same Query via Entityframework?

2 answers


The generation of a ViewModel (which would be a new class representing SQL). The die typical it is easier to use on a screen with MVC ASP.NET and also with ORM Entity Framework.

The Entity Framework quietly generates this SQL you only need to use the extension methods correctly (Where, Join, Groupby, Count no Select, etc) to generate that same SQL that you brought in your question or else use SQL Raw as this example.



public class DadosViewModel
    public int IdCliente { get; set; }
    public string NomeCliente { get; set; }
    public decimal ValorVenda { get; set; }
    public long TotalItems { get; set; }


You can use it in your Context variable (Entity Framework):

 string SQL = " select b.IdCliente, b.NomeCliente, Sum(ValorVenda) as  ValorVenda, ";
 SQL += " Count(*) as TotalItens from TabVendas a inner join TabCliente b ";
 SQL += " on a.IdCliente = b.IdCliente";

 IList<DadosViewModel> ListaDadosViewModel = Contexto.Database

SQL by Entity Framework

IList<DadosViewModel> ListaDadosViewModel = Contexto
         .GroupBy(c => c.Cliente)
         .Select(s => new DadosViewModel {
            IdCliente = s.Key.IdCliente,
            NomeCliente = s.Key.NomeCliente, 
            ValorVenda = s.Sum(v => v.ValorVenda),
            TotalItems = s.LongCount()


@model IEnumerable<ViewModels.DadosViewModel>

@foreach(ViewModels.DadosViewModel item in Model)

  • I think it would be interesting for the author of the question to have an answer with specific code. Could you please put some examples?

  • @I made the examples of Gypsies, is that I was producing the simplest for him to understand!

  • There are more things you can add. The answers not only answer one question, but also to the entire community that uses the site. + 1.

  • Okay, @Gypsy Rhyming Mendez


1 - I need to create a specific Model to represent this View?

Not necessarily. The grouping and totalization functions can be done in the View, if you want.

2 - in the database I can view this information using the following query:

select b.IdCliente, b.NomeCliente, Sum(ValorVenda) as ValorVenda, Count() as TotalItens 
from TabVendas a 
inner join TabCliente b on a.IdCliente = b.IdCliente 

how to do this same query via Entityframework?

var totalVendas = db.Vendas.Include(v => v.Cliente)
                    .GroupBy(v => v.Cliente)
                    .Select(g => new {
                        IdCliente = g.Key.IdCliente,
                        NomeCliente = g.Key.NomeCliente
                        ValorTotalVenda = g.Sum(v => v.ValorVenda),
                        TotalItens = g.Count()

Recalling that the View should receive this as:

@model IEnumerable<dynamic>

Or you can type the return object as Viewmodel:

var totalVendas = db.Vendas.Include(v => v.Cliente)
                    .GroupBy(v => v.Cliente)
                    .Select(g => new RelatorioVendasItemViewModel {
                        IdCliente = g.Key.IdCliente,
                        NomeCliente = g.Key.NomeCliente
                        ValorTotalVenda = g.Sum(v => v.ValorVenda),
                        TotalItens = g.Count()

And then:

@model IEnumerable<SeuProjeto.ViewModels.RelatorioVendasItemViewModel>
  • 1

    Ball show!!! I will adapt your presentation to my project. Thanks again for the help!!!!

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