Sort Vector Increasingly with Angularjs


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$scope.auxiliar.minimo = $scope.blocos[i].tamanhoTotal - processo.tamanho;
$scope.auxiliar.posicaoBlocoLivre = $scope.blocos[i];

I want to sort my vector "smaller" increasingly by object attribute: "$scope.auxiliar.minimo"

  • See if this helps:

  • Have you tried something like:

2 answers


Here is a way to organize the array for use in JS by creating a function to be passed as a parameter in Sort.

var sortByMinimo = function(a, b) {
    if (a.minimo < b.minimo) {
        return 1;
    if (a.minimo > b.minimo) {
        return -1;
    return 0;

You can use the suggested Angularjs means in the other answer, especially if you just want to organize in the view.


If your final goal is to show on screen through the directive ng-repeat you can sort directly during the process this way:

<tr ng-repeat="menor in menores | orderBy:'-minimo'"></tr>

Or through the service $filter

$scope.menores = $filter('orderBy')($scope.menores, '-minimo');

remembering that the + or - sign prefixed to the property used to sort means ascending or descending respectively.

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