24x5 process in jar how to convert to . War


Viewed 54 times


I created a jar to calculate forex signals, but I’d like to host it on some cloud server. As I’ve been researching, it will be much easier to convert it to a War.

Since my app should run 24x5, I would need it to run in the same period, without having to do any commands for it.

I already created a web project, initially in Servlet, but the main problem:

no. jar I put a loop on Main and ready... no. War, where I could do something similar?

Thank you!

1 answer


From what I understand, you perform a certain action from time to time, correct?

I think Quartz solves your problem. It’s basically a task schedule, similar to Linux CRON.

  • For what I researched, I think it solves, I will test. Thank you very much!

  • Good! Don’t forget to mark the answer as correct!

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