Input file type as read-only


Viewed 49 times


I am trying to set as read-only an input file type when clicking on Ubmit, but the way below did not work. Any suggestions?

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#salvar").on('click', function() {
       $('#arquivo').prop('readonly', true);

2 answers


Change the property readonly for disabled.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#salvar").on('click', function() {
       $('#arquivo').prop('disabled', true);

  • Thanks for the help, but this way it "loses" the file and the same won’t even go to the next screen. I’m testing a . Hide().


To disable an input-file use the property disabled

Example in Javascript

document.getElementById("myFile").disabled = true;

Example with jQuery

$('myFile').prop('disabled', true);
  • Thanks for the help, but this way it "loses" the file and the same won’t even go to the next screen. I’m testing a . Hide().

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