How do I stop tracking changes to a file after the commit?


Viewed 830 times


I have a file .properties already committed and would like to stop tracking the changes made to it. Each user who clone the project will configure it in their own way.

I tried that command:

git rm --cached application/src/main/resources/props/

Does not return me any error or success message, I do not know if I should too.

But even then, after this command, if I make any changes to the file git finds the difference and lists the file as modified. What am I missing?

1 answer


You’re on the right track. The problem is that just removing the file won’t stop git from tracking modifications.

Entire process:

  1. git rm --cached
  2. Add the file in question to .gitignore
  3. git commit

This removes the file and stops tracking new modifications. The commit is necessary to carry out operations.

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