I wanted to show the data of a customer who is on a combobox inside a Jtextarea, as in the following image:
The problem is that only the information of "Igo Brasil" is shown, when I try to show the information of another client, this occurs:
First client information persists in the Jtextarea.
My code that makes this listing is as follows:
cli = (Cliente) this.cbcliente.getSelectedItem();
txtareacliente.setText("Cliente: " +cli.getCliNome()+
"\n\nCPF: " +cli.getCliCpf()+
"\n\nRG: " +cli.getCliRg()+
"\n\nSexo: " +cli.getCliSexo());
And the Clientedao is:
package model.dao;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import model.bean.Cliente;
import model.connection.ConnectionFactory;
public class ClienteDao {
Connection con = ConnectionFactory.getConnection();;
String sql;
PreparedStatement pstm;
ResultSet rs;
public void salvarCliente(Cliente cli) {
try {
sql = "INSERT INTO cliente(clinome,clicpf,clirg,clisexo,clifone)" + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);";
pstm = con.prepareStatement(sql);
pstm.setString(1, cli.getCliNome());
pstm.setString(2, cli.getCliCpf());
pstm.setString(3, cli.getCliRg());
pstm.setString(4, cli.getCliSexo());
pstm.setString(5, cli.getCliFone());
// Para Insert, Delete e Update usa-se: pstm.execute().
// Para Select, usa-se: pstm.executeQuery();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Dados inseridos com sucesso");
} catch (Exception erro) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro ao salvar " + erro.getMessage());
public List < Cliente > listarClientes() {
List < Cliente > lista = new ArrayList < > ();
try {
sql = "SELECT clicodigo,clinome,clicpf,clirg,clifone,clisexo FROM cliente ORDER BY clicodigo;";
pstm = con.prepareStatement(sql);
rs = pstm.executeQuery(sql);
while (rs.next()) {
Cliente cli = new Cliente();
} catch (Exception erro) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro ao listar " + erro.getMessage());
return lista;
public void alterarCliente(Cliente cli) {
try {
sql = "UPDATE cliente SET clinome=?,clicpf=?,clirg=?,clifone=?,clisexo=? WHERE clicodigo=?";
pstm = con.prepareStatement(sql);
pstm.setString(1, cli.getCliNome());
pstm.setString(2, cli.getCliCpf());
pstm.setString(3, cli.getCliRg());
pstm.setString(4, cli.getCliFone());
pstm.setString(5, cli.getCliSexo());
pstm.setInt(6, cli.getCliCodigo());
// Para Insert, Delete e Update usa-se: pstm.execute().
// Para Select, usa-se: pstm.executeQuery();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Dados alterados com sucesso");
} catch (Exception erro) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro ao alterar" + erro.getMessage());
public void deletarCliente(Cliente cli) {
try {
sql = "DELETE FROM cliente WHERE clicodigo=?";
pstm = con.prepareStatement(sql);
pstm.setInt(1, cli.getCliCodigo());
// Para Insert, Delete e Update usa-se: pstm.execute().
// Para Select, usa-se: pstm.executeQuery();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Excluído com sucesso");
} catch (Exception erro) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro ao excluir" + erro.getMessage());
Here is the Client’s class:
package model.bean;
public class Cliente {
private Integer cliCodigo;
private String cliNome;
private String cliSexo;
private String cliRg;
private String cliCpf;
private String cliFone;
public Integer getCliCodigo() {
return cliCodigo;
public void setCliCodigo(Integer cliCodigo) {
this.cliCodigo = cliCodigo;
public String getCliNome() {
return cliNome;
public void setCliNome(String cliNome) {
this.cliNome = cliNome;
public String getCliSexo() {
return cliSexo;
public void setCliSexo(String cliSexo) {
this.cliSexo = cliSexo;
public String getCliRg() {
return cliRg;
public void setCliRg(String cliRg) {
this.cliRg = cliRg;
public String getCliCpf() {
return cliCpf;
public void setCliCpf(String cliCpf) {
this.cliCpf = cliCpf;
public String getCliFone() {
return cliFone;
public void setCliFone(String cliFone) {
this.cliFone = cliFone;
public String toString() {
return cliNome;
And here’s Servicos.java, where I fill out the Combobox, with the following method:
public void preencherComboCliente(JComboBox comboCliente){
ClienteDao cli = new ClienteDao();
List<Cliente> listagem3 = cli.listarClientes();
for(Cliente c:listagem3){
Then I call the method to fill the combobox:
Igo, the Igor Brasil client is already selected when you run the application?
– user28595
Yes, he is already selected. Oh ;-; wow, I’m in the real now, really. But how would I, in addition to picking up the selected, if I change to Adriano Tavares, show only the data of Adriano Tavares, ie replace the ones that were shown
– Igo