Hello guys I’m wanting that when I press in the div with the class "boot" the following line change:
$albuns = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM albuns ORDER BY id DESC limit 4");
making the limit increase +4 for each time tightening, appearing 8,12,16 boxes.
$albuns = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM albuns ORDER BY id DESC limit 4");
while($lista_albuns = mysql_fetch_array($albuns)){
$id_album = $lista_albuns['id'];
if($lista_albuns['tipo'] == 'album'){
$capa = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fotos_album WHERE id_album = '$id_album' AND capa = 1"));
<a rel="prettyPhoto[<?=$lista_albuns['id'];?>]" href="images/aconteceu/<?=$capa['foto'];?>" class="mosaic-block bar item" title="<?php
if($capa['comentario'] == ''){
echo $lista_albuns['descricao'];
echo $capa['comentario'];
<li class="mosaic-block">
<img src="images/aconteceu/<?=$capa['foto'];?>" />
$fotos = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fotos_album WHERE id_album = '$id_album' AND capa = 2");
<a rel="prettyPhoto[<?=$lista_albuns['id'];?>]" class="ocult" href="images/aconteceu/<?=$lista_fotos['foto'];?>" title="
if($lista_fotos['comentario'] == ''){
echo $lista_albuns['descricao'];
echo $lista_fotos['comentario'];
else if($lista_albuns['tipo'] == 'video'){
$video = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fotos_album WHERE id_album = '$id_album' LIMIT 1");
$row_video = mysql_fetch_array($video);
$url = $row_video['foto'];
preg_match("#(?<=v=)[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?=&)|(?<=v\/)[^&\n]+|(?<=v=)[^&\n]+|(?<=youtu.be/)[^&\n]+#", $url, $output);
<a rel="prettyPhoto" href="<?=$url;?>" class="mosaic-block bar item" title="<?=$lista_albuns['descricao'];?>">
<img src="images/__video.png" class="play_video" />
<li class="mosaic-block">
<div class="opacity_album">
<img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/<?=$output[0]?>/0.jpg" />
<a href="#"><div class="botao"><p>veja mais</p></div></a>
What goes inside the/next.php api?
$('div .botao').click(function(){

 var numeroExistente = $('a [rel]').size();

 $.post("js/proximo.php", {numero: numeroExistente}, function(data) {




 $numeroExistente = (int)$_POST['numero'];
 mysql_query("SELECT * FROM albuns ORDER BY id DESC limit 4 OFFSET ".$numeroExistente);


:; ?– bloodamc
This is just an example, not the solution. The idea is that clicking would get the number of elements already displayed and then send to the page in PHP. This page would be responsible for having the OFFSET, based on the number of elements previously reported.
– Inkeliz
Making OFFSET dynamic will depend on you. However the solution itself is to use OFFSET, as stated in the first rows.
– Inkeliz
yes is an obvious solution, now as I will do have to break my head a little, thank you ^^
– bloodamc