Increase amount of form inputs sent in php post


Viewed 382 times


I work with a free system and I have a problem in a routine where the system creates a table of items, and for each value field of each item an input is created, where the name receives the code of the item, but in this case, there are more than 400 items, and by clicking include, only reaches the other side in the POST 327 items, you have an idea of how I can increase the amount of fields sent via POST by form?

1 answer


Open php.ini and change the value of max_input_vars for an appropriate number this setting defines the number of inputs sent in a request, it may be necessary to change the value of post_max_size which is the size(Mb/Gb) of the information sent, after the modification restarts apache.


max_input_vars = 600
post_max_size = 16mb

To view the current values of these directives do:

   echo ini_get('max_input_vars') .'<br>';
   echo ini_get('post_max_size');
  • increasing the max_input_vars solved the problem. Thank you very much friend!

  • @Robsondejesus can mark the answer with the green arrow to indicate that the problem has been solved :)

  • put max_input_vars = 1200 post_max_size = 254mb ai no result appears

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