How to work with Parallel using the Ninject library


Viewed 62 times


How can you configure ninject to provide an instance of a given object for each thread that calls it?

The ninject kernel can be run before a code with parallelism or it is necessary to instantiate a new kernel within the thread code?

When executing the code below, I get open existing datareader error.

var kernel = new StandardKernel(new FooModule(), BarModule());

Parallel.ForEach(entidades, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 }, (entidade) =>
    //Algum código aqui

When placing the kernel creation in the thread, I do not get the open datareader error but identify that Ninject is not giving Dispose to the database connections when the thread is finished.

Parallel.ForEach(entidades, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 }, (entidade) =>
    var kernel = new StandardKernel(new FooModule(), BarModule());

Additional information: Time limit expired. The time period limit was reached before a pool connection was obtained. This may have occurred because all pool connections were in use and the Maximum pool size reached.

1 answer


Ninject will only try to do the Dispose of your object if you set its Scope. In your case I believe that the proper Scope is Inthreadscope.

  • Vinicius, I tried to define this scope for the service but the exception continued to be raised as if the same instance was being used for different threads.

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