Change radio button properties from select


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Dear(s) I see myself in the following situation in which I cannot imagine a solution:

We have a selection field in html containing some Brazilian states and the Federal District, when choosing an option, it would lead me to open another type of choice a radio button, between Capital and Interior being each capital and the option of interior with their respective values, where I would take this value of the given capital or the interior and lead to make an account by multiplying a value of another radio button equivalent to the daily ones so show this value in a text field.

Exemplo Numero de diárias: ()Uma diária (x)Duas diárias ()Três diárias Selecione o estado: Select SP\/ //Apareceria outro radio button: (x)São Paulo () Interior In the case of São Paulo the value would be R$200.00 times daily then the textfield with the help of javascript would be: Value = 400,00

            <select name="estado" id="estado" >
            <option name="nenhum" value=""> Escolher </option>
            <option name="DF" value="DF"> Distrito Federal </option>
            <option name="SP" value="SP"> São Paulo </option>
            <option name="outros" value="Outros"> Outros Estados 

//It opens multiple choice of two options if the user chose the Federal District, then

<input required="required" value="Brasília" name="capital" type="radio">  
<label for="capital">Brasília</label> <input required="required"  value="Interior" name="capital" type="radio"><label         for="capital">Interior</label>

//Note that depending on the field select the valor and the label radio button would change.
//Soon the daily rate for Brasilia has value of 250.30 and the interior is fixed for all states 160.00.
At that point I would need to do the I imagine account with IFs for each capital and multiply with the value of the daily radio button element up there.

That was the way I thought. Was there any way I could do that or any other way that I could get the same result? That is to have the name of the capital to be able to write in the database, and the value of the capital to make the account with the daily ones. How could I do this in Json or Javascript?

  • I didn’t understand if you want to have all states and prices in the database? Want to use javascript to enter into the database?

  • No, I want to have all the names of states and names of capitals, I want to use javascript to change the variable capital to the capital according to the state. Ex: SP -> São Paulo, RJ -> Rio de Janeiro, AC -> Rio Branco

1 answer


See if this is what you want?

[EDIT] Here’s an update with the whole problem: See if that’s what you wanted, anything at all, just ask.

<input id="d1" required="required" value="1" name="diaria" type="radio">  
<label id="diaria" for="diaria">Uma diária</label> 

<input id="d2" required="required" value="2" name="diaria" type="radio">  
<label id="diaria" for="diaria">Duas diárias</label> 

<input id="d3" required="required" value="3" name="diaria" type="radio">  
<label id="diaria" for="diaria">Três diária</label> 

<select name="estado" id="estado" onChange="trocaEstado();">
   <option id="nenhum"  value="0"  > Escolher         </option>
   <option id="DF"      value="250"> Distrito Federal </option>
   <option id="SP"      value="200"> São Paulo        </option>
   <option id="outros"  value="300"> Outros Estados   </option>

<input id="input_capital" required="required" value="0" name="capital" type="radio" >  
<label id="capital" for="capital">Escolher</label> 
<input id="input_interior" required="required"  value="160" name="capital" type="radio">
<label id="interiror" for="capital">Interior</label>

<label for="resultado">Resultado</label> 
<input readonly="readonly" id="resultado" value="Zero"></input>
<!--input para o estado -->
<label for="estado_s">Estado</label> 
<input readonly="readonly" id="estado_s" value="nenhum"></input>    


function trocaEstado()
    var e        = document.getElementById("estado");
    var strcap   = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;
    var strvalue = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

    //vai buscar o id da option
    var estado_s = e.options[e.selectedIndex].id;


    //mete o id da option no input estado_s


 $(document).ready(function() {
    var capital=null;
    var diaria=null;
    $('input:radio[name=capital]').change(function() {
       capital = this.value;
    $('input:radio[name=diaria]').change(function() {
       diaria = this.value;

  • Cool... Didn’t use any if. It’s almost that, but with a doubt I need to store in the database when I submit this information, for example the state I would have to keep the state name name= "SP" and not its value, its value I can do by multiplying the value by daily as this in your example and only keep the value of the field that the account was. The same goes for capital and interior, except that the interior value is equal for all states, what even changes is the capital value.

  • So on the submission page I can’t do if($_POST['estado']==200.00)&#xA;$estado = "São Paulo"; because there might be another capital with the same value as 200.00 ?

  • Where do you get the values of each state?

  • Yeah, the values of each state separately I don’t save I just use to account with the daily ones and save the result in the field as this your example. id = "resultado" However I would need to save a string from the state name, it could be any information that is highlighted: <option name="SP" value="200"> São Paulo </option> //save SP or <option name="SP" value="200"> São Paulo </option> // o "Label" São Paulo That with each state. If there’s no way, and or what do you suggest to me? Thanks.

  • Check now with the changes I made. I added an input to the state then you can already fetch.

  • That’s it, I’ll test it right here. :)

  • 1

    Beware of the readonly that can cause problems when passing as POST, try before disabled

  • 1

    I took the reandonly and put disabled, also put as the result refers to money, a toFixed() at the end of the result calculation. I transformed the field that receives the state id into hidden not to repeat information once it has already been declared there in the select box above. Note - if my inconsistency I had not thought of before, not always the capital has the same name of the state, then only wrote on the side < of capital/interior option Capital de to not complicate me further. Thanks @Jorge B. :)

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