Problem with php special characters


Viewed 2,742 times


I’m using php on the html page to validate a form. When the database retouches the text to the page php is not displaying the result with special characters. Where is the error?


 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

Table of the MYSQL database:


Result of PHP:

echo "<ul>";  
  echo "<li>";
    echo "<a data-toggle='modal' href='{$link}'>" ;
      echo "{$titulo} </a>- {$descricao}";
  echo "</li>";
  echo "</ul>";
  • Try using "echo utf8_decode($variavel);"

  • @Williancoqueiro sees if this file is also saved in UTF-8!

  • @fleuquerlima tested the 2 and did not work. Thanks more for the help.

1 answer


Check your bank to see if you are recording the information correctly. If so, change this:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

For that reason:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

Your bank’s meeting should be latin1_swedish_ci, because it accepts accents, ç and all Latin characters.

Or try to:

 echo "utf8_decode({$titulo}) </a>- utf8_decode({$descricao})";
  • 1

    I used the meta with iso-8859-1 and it worked, as I prefer to utf8, I went back to him and changed the bank to latin1_swedish_ci and perfect. Thank you very much, without your help would beat me hours.

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