Difficulty positioning objects after @media (max-width: 320px) {


Viewed 46 times


Where am I going wrong?

I have the html down below

    <script type="text/javascript" src="_global/_funcoes/_js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>

<button class="menuAbrir"><img  src="_img/btn-menu.png" width="50px;" title="Abrir Menu" /></button>
<nav class="menuNav">
  <a class="menuFechar"><img  src="_img/btn-close.png" width="30px;" title="Abrir Menu" /></a><br>
  <ul class="menuUlTopo">
    <li class="menuTopo"><a href="principal.php" title="Principal">Principal</a></li>
    <li class="menuTopo"><a href="administradoresMenu.php" title="Administradores">Administradores</a></li>
    <li class="menuTopo"><a href="clientesMenu.php" title="Clientes">Clientes</a></li>
    <li class="menuTopo"><a href="imoveisMenu.php" title="Imóveis">Imóveis</a></li>
    <li class="menuTopo"><a href="tiposMenu.php" title="Tipos de Imóveis">Tipos de Imóveis</a></li>
    <li class="menuTopo"><a href="emails.php?acao=listar" title="E-mails">E-mails</a></li>

  $(".menuAbrir").click(function() {

  $(".menuFechar").click(function() {

The idea here is that when it comes to the resolution of 320px x 480px and just until she, a button appears. Until then ok.

The problem now is that there is <button class="menuAbrir"> and <nav class="menuNav">

I’m having trouble positioning the botão in top:0 and left:0 nor the <nav class="menuNav"> in top 0.

But I can design the <nav class="menuNav"> as 100% of the screen by width, but heigth does not.

Here is the css:

.menuAbrir {

.menuNav {

.menuFechar {

@media (max-width: 320px) {
 .menuAbrir {

 .menuNav {
      top: 0;
      width: 100%;

  ul li.menuTopo a {
      width: 320px;
      height: 480px;

  .menuFechar {

Where am I going wrong?

  • Have you tried to put your jquery function within $(Document). ready(Function() { ... Your code here });

  • I needed to change the question

1 answer


Well, in jQuery you need to put code inside the ready:

// seu código

Try this, if the answer serve give a up.

  • It kind of worked. But note that menuNav { display:None; position:relative; top: 0; width: 320px; height:480px; } The menuNav has not pasted at the top of the browser on top of all elements. What’s the mistake?

  • I needed to change the question

  • Are you sure you want to use max-width, is that not min-width you want to use? (I’m answering from mobile)

  • until the resolution of cellular accept the changes

  • You tested to see what happens if you put the min-width? I just can’t test it now...

  • yes, I tested it. Resolution reduction is working normally. The problem is that I cannot position the menu at the top, it is a space below until I reach the menu. Even if I do top:0

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