I can’t post the code now, so I’ll be as clear as I can.
I’m making a website on that standard single page, where every session of the site has the exact screen size. This is done via Jquery(that basic script of catching the screen size).
The site was not designed to support mobile phones, but the customer only asked for a screen size adjustment when the site is accessed via mobile phone (in portrait format). Since I can’t give you any more explanations I’ll ask you the question
How to make a Jquery script that runs only on mobile phones? Or how to change what already exists so that it doesn’t support mobile (in this case I would fix Css with media query).
Dude, another option is you use media queries. Take the most popular resolutions from phones and display the field only when the rule obeys one of these media querys. More information on the links: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/CSS_Media_queries and http://tableless.com.br/introducao-sobre-media-queries/
– pmargreff
Your problem is very wide, if the problem is with the layout then it is not quite a problem to solve with jquery (unless it is a gambiarra). The layout has to be built to be responsive, in most cases it is impossible to take a normal layout and move to responsive, it is not just a matter of mediaqueries, have to solve in html as well.
– Guilherme Nascimento