Jquery Validate does not execute the event when fields are autocompleted


Viewed 321 times


I am trying to validate a form without submitting it. What I have done so far works well. The problem is when the browser auto-fill completes the login and password that were saved to the IP. If I delete the auto completed field and give focusOut the event to validate form is not triggered.

I’m using the following :
jquery -validation - 1.15.0
google- Chrome version 49.0.2623.87 (64-bit )

Footsteps :
1 - Create a form and submit this form.
2 - Make browser save this information as the default values for that site.
3 - Return to the form and delete some field "filled automatically" and try to provoke some event so that jquey-validate does the validation.

It should validate the field without the need to submit. In my case it is not triggering the event and the validation is not occurring.


<form name="form" id="loginform" class="lm-login-form" method="post" action="./?_task=login">
  <div id="userid" class="lm-login-item">
    <div class="lm-login-label">
      <label for="rcmloginuser"><roundcube:label name="mail" /></label>
    <div class="lm-login-field">
      <input name="_user" id="rcmloginuser">

  <div id="pwdid" class="lm-login-item">
    <div class="lm-login-label">
      <label for="rcmloginpwd"><roundcube:label name="password" /></label>
    <div class="lm-login-field">
      <input name="_pass" id="rcmloginpwd" type="password">
      <a href="#" id="showpass">Exibir</a>

  <p class="formbuttons">
    <input type="submit" id="submitloginform" class="lm-login-submit" value="Entrar">

validation script

$(document).ready(function() {
  $( '#loginform' ).validate({
    rules: {
      _user: {
        required: true,
        email: true
      _pass: {
        required: true
  • 2

    Post your code, so it’s hard to see the problem.

  • 1

    @Diego edited the question

  • You can put the part where you call the autocomplete too, please?

  • @Lfziron autocomplete would be the default browser. I don’t implement any. When you submit the form for the first time the broser asks if you want to save login and password, it would be in this case.

  • I’ll try to do something that might solve that problem and put it here.

1 answer


When the browser completes the fields automatically, the event that activates the validate is not called. You need to call it manually, try this way:

 checkInput = setInterval(function(){
  var autoCompleted = false;
  $("#loginform input").each(function(input){
    input = $("#loginform input").eq(input);
      autoCompleted = true;
 }, 10);
$("#loginform input").focus(function(){
$( '#loginform' ).validate({
  rules: {
   _user: {
     required: true,
     email: true
   _pass: {
     required: true
  • It didn’t work. It still doesn’t trigger the event when I delete the autocomplete field for example.

  • I edited the answer to trigger the event when the input is focused, can test again for kindness?

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