Accented results in PHP turn to Symbols


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I want to make it clear that I searched on the forum and in many other places about it, none of them solved my problem, so don’t mark it as duplicate because I believe my problem is specific.

The situation is as follows, I have a system that queries CNPJ and returns the company data, but when it returns the data, the accents return in this mode .


The page is obviously on .php but contains HTML, html is with the meta <meta http-equiv="content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />.

What I tried

 ini_set("Content-Type: text/html; charset=",true);
 header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
 <meta charset="utf-8" />
 ini_set( 'default_charset', 'utf-8');
 <meta charset="iso-8859-1" />

None worked and the strange thing is that part of PHP shows the accents normally and the whole html shows the normal accents. The same problem is when it will return the results, it is only there that the accents saw .

Code is like this

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-Language" content="pt-br">
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    <meta property="og:locale" content="pt_BR" />
    <meta content="Recarga de Toner e Cartuchos em São Bernardo, Manutenção de Impressoras em SBC, São Bernardo, Recarga de Cartuchos e Toners HP, LexMark, Brother, Epson, Brother e Copiadoras. Toners Compatíveis..." name="description" />
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                ini_set( 'default_charset', 'utf-8');

                $cnpj = $_POST['CNPJ'];
                $captcha = $_POST['CAPTCHA'];

                // pega html resposta da receita
                $getHtmlCNPJ = getHtmlCNPJ($cnpj, $captcha);

                    // volova os dados em um array
                    $campos = parseHtmlCNPJ($getHtmlCNPJ);

                    echo "mostra os resultados";

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I don’t know what else to do, everything I do always comes back in the same mistake.

  • Have you tried using utf8_decode($string); ? ?

  • This I have not tried, I will try and warn you and I have tested all the encoding allowed, I use the Sublime Text and its variation is great, but even so, no results.

  • Try using utf8_encode ($content) or utf8_decode ($content)

  • @Fleuquerlima it works with normal echo?

  • 1

    You have looked at this

  • yes, just use it like this: echo utf8_encode($content);

  • Yes @rray, but it didn’t help me at all unfortunately.

  • I noticed that in your html you have both Charsets, leave only one, I suggest utf-8

  • Which charset, collation you are using in the bank? If the seat support does not support the accent, the error comes from the.

  • Thank you all, the problem has been solved using utf8_encode($conteudo);, very simple alias, not even needed to have changed so much haha

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1 answer


Problem solved as follows:

I believe by the use of echo the result would come out with a different page encoding, so I was told to use the tag utf8_decode($string); to encode to UTF8, echo by echo and really worked.

The code was:

            ini_set( 'default_charset', 'utf-8');

            $cnpj = $_POST['CNPJ'];
            $captcha = $_POST['CAPTCHA'];

            // pega html resposta da receita
            $getHtmlCNPJ = getHtmlCNPJ($cnpj, $captcha);

                // volova os dados em um array
                $campos = parseHtmlCNPJ($getHtmlCNPJ);

                echo "mostra os resultados";

I made the simple change:

            $cnpj = $_POST['CNPJ'];
            $captcha = $_POST['CAPTCHA'];

            // pega html resposta da receita
            $getHtmlCNPJ = getHtmlCNPJ($cnpj, $captcha);

                // volova os dados em um array
                $campos = parseHtmlCNPJ($getHtmlCNPJ);

            echo utf8_encode(mostra os resultados);

And the problem has been solved.

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