My project was built with the C#language. Everything was going smoothly, until some customers started reporting errors when opening my system. The error goes as follows: the client clicks on the shortcut on the desktop and the system opens (usually by default) and everything else. But some customers have installed the security plugin for a JAVA-based database. What happens is that when you run this plugin on the computer, IE, when entering the bank site and logging in, my system no longer runs correctly... After running this plugin, when opening my system, all the content of the form disappears, leaving the whole form blank....
Has anyone ever gone through this incompatibility problem? How could I solve?
I’ve tried everything else. I’ve restored the computer days before it happened, but even so after a while this error comes back and I don’t know how to solve it.
I wonder if someone could help me?
Not to be too extensive the space of the comments; the conversation was moved to the chat
– Bacco
I am closing as out of scope because it is a defect in the precarious application of third parties, which interferes irresponsibly in other people’s systems. The only solution in this case is to remove the offensive application, which is the such plugin.
– Bacco