How to get the serial number or ID of a USB stick on the MS-DOS system?


Viewed 1,876 times


I have tried using some tools to get hardware information on DOS, but they did not have the source code for free use. I need a code solution that returns the serial number or ID in the MS-DOS environment.

  • I am using MS-DOS 7.10 and DJGPP as compiler.

2 answers


You can do dir and pick up the output

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// O prefixo do `dir` que identifica o serial number
#define SNPREFIX " Volume Serial Number is "
// MUDAR AQUI ----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

int main(void) {
    char line[512];
    FILE *process;
    process = popen("cmd /c dir c:", "r");
    // MUDAR AQUI --------------^
    while (fgets(line, sizeof line, process)) {
        line[strlen(line) - 1] = 0; // clear ENTER
        if (strncmp(line, SNPREFIX, strlen(SNPREFIX)) == 0) {
            printf("==> %s <==\n", line + strlen(SNPREFIX));
    return 0;

Output on my machine (in your case you have to change the "c:" to the letter associated with the pen drive)

==> 8662-7ACB <==


  • WMIC came with windows 2000 if I’m not mistaken. DOS 7.1 is from the 95 season, at most 98.

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