I can test whether a user-provided string is a palindrome or not (word or phrase that can be read backwards by ignoring upper and lower case spaces and letters such as: Help me get on the bus in Morocco), using the code:
string = raw_input()
stringSemEspacos = string.replace(' ', '')
stringTodaMinuscula = stringSemEspacos.lower()
stringInvertida = stringTodaMinuscula[::-1]
if stringInvertida == stringTodaMinuscula:
print "SIM"
print "NAO
I need to write a program that, before receiving the strings to be tested, first receives an integer number, which corresponds to the number of strings to be tested. If the user wants to test 4 strings, the number 4 must be the first entry in the program, followed by the 4 strings that will be tested, and the program must judge each string and print the 4 responses, between Yes and No. How to make the program receive the amount of strings established, make the judgment and only then be terminated?
Like I’m doing:
i = 0
quantidade = int(raw_input())
while i < quantidade:
i += 1
string = raw_input()
stringSemEspacos = string.replace(' ', '')
stringTodaMinuscula = stringSemEspacos.lower()
stringInvertida = stringTodaMinuscula[::-1]
if stringInvertida == stringTodaMinuscula:
print "SIM"
print "NAO"
It works, but the result of the trial must be printed only at the end, that is, after all the strings have been provided. How to proceed?
– Guilherme Santana De Souza
@Guilhermesantanadesouza I edited the answer.
– gato
Thank you, I’ll make the changes.
– Guilherme Santana De Souza
I noticed that you used the append() function. I haven’t studied it yet, but I’ll do a read to understand. Thank you very much!
– Guilherme Santana De Souza