Remove array element


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Good afternoon,

How can I remove only one specific element of the array

$produto = Array([0] => Array("ID" => "12", "Nome" => "Produto1", "Valor" => "45,50") [1] => Array("ID" => "13", "Nome" => "Produto2", "Valor" => "45,90"));

In this case, the client will inform the Name or ID of the array and want to delete it.

2 answers


If you want to remove the Array by id or name and not by index of the array you need to search for this value and return its index, php has a native function for this, the array_search, then just give unset by passing the key you received from this function.


$produto = array(array("ID" => "12", "Nome" => "Produto1", "Valor" => "45,50"),
    array("ID" => "13", "Nome" => "Produto2", "Valor" => "45,90"));

 $key = array_search('Produto1', $produto); // Encontra index do Produto1

unset($produto[$key]); // Remove do Array

var_dump($produto); // Array sem o indice do Produto1
  • Friend, the array_search function is not bringing the key I need...

  • @Lucasaugust of a debug in the function, it returns correctly the Dice, look at the example running online:

  • Really, it worked after that. Thank you.



Where what’s in square brackets is the index.

Or search for the value in the array, find the key and remove.

$key = array_search($string, $array);
if($key! == false){

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