Infinite loop when passing memory addresses


Viewed 106 times


I was doing this code whose goal is to use pointers to fill an array with an arithmetic progression. But I can’t get out of the first loop.

int main() {

    int r, // Razão da PA
    i, // Contadora
    pa[10], // Array que será preenchido pela PA
    *ptrPA; // Ponteiro que vai apontar para o Array

    printf("Digite o primeiro termo da PA: \n");
    scanf("%d", &pa[0]);

    printf("Digite a razão da PA: \n");
    scanf("%d", &r);

    for (ptrPA = &pa[0] + 1; ptrPA <= &ptrPA[9]; ptrPA++) { // O ponteiro vai servir como contador
        *ptrPA = *(ptrPA - 1) + r; // Aplica-se a fórmula de PA para a posição do endereço que o ponteiro aponta

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        printf("%d ", pa[i]); // Exibe os valores armazenados

    return 0;

What could be causing this? Thank you.

PS: When I try to run the program it closes after I enter the values, and in the eclipse debug it gets stuck in the first loop

  • Is there a reason to use the pointer? It doesn’t seem necessary.

  • It really isn’t, it’s just for exercise

  • Normally I can improve this and solve, the problem is that I don’t know if I’m going to take something you artificially put out. When there is an invented requirement, it is difficult to give an answer. I would simply remove the pointer, after all I do not know what to learn ptrPA = &pa[0] + 1; ptrPA <= &ptrPA[9]; but surely the error is there.

  • I am assigning to the pointer the memory address of position '1' of the array, as position '0' is already being occupied by the first element I had asked the user. The condition for the loop to run is that I have a memory address less than or equal to the last position of the array (in this case it is position 9). The problem must be right there, I don’t know why the loop doesn’t close after the ninth position.

  • With this code I was trying to answer this exercise:

1 answer


for (ptrPA = &pa[0] + 1; ptrPA <= &ptrPA[9]; ptrPA++)
//                                 ^^^^^^^^

should be

for (ptrPA = &pa[0] + 1; ptrPA <= &pa[9]; ptrPA++)
//                                 ^^^^^
  • Wow, I don’t know how I missed that detail. Thank you.

  • &pa[0] + 1 == &pa[1] == pa + 1

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