My oracle BD search does not fetch result


Viewed 202 times


I have a method, using Ado.Net to bring information from BD(Oracle 11g). There is information in table(6 records) and when run by C# no record. See the code below:

public class ConexaoBanco
        string conexao = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FarmExternaConnect"].ConnectionString;
        List<string> listaArquivoFarmExterna = new List<string>();
        public bool CriaConexao()
            OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(conexao);

            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
            cmd.Connection = conn;
            cmd.CommandText = "select path, arquivo from gh_arquivos_farm_externa";
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();


            return listaArquivoFarmExterna.Count > 0? true : false;

The most interesting thing about this is the following situation. When I get to that line OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); and give a F10 (in debug mode), I advance and when debugging this line there is information (correct), however if I debug the variable dr along those lines while(dr.Read()), already says that:

The enumeration did not produce results

and if I go back to the top line, where there were moments ago and there were results, I have the same message. I do not know what is happening.

  • And there’s no mistake?

  • @Krismorte, I edited the original post.

  • Any other commands work? Is the connection actually being made. Try for a Try/catch to see if an exception is being generated.

1 answer


I killed the problem. When I debugged, I triggered the reading and as it does not come back to read the fetch again, when arriving at the while already arrived without information. It was my fault

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