Inner Join - return by name id in column of another table


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I have two tables in DB:

table category:

id_categoria | nome_categoria
   1             camisetas
   2             estrelas

table post:

id_post | título | resumo | conteúdo | categoria_id
    1      teste    lorem     ipsum         2
    2      test2    lorem     ipsum         1

If I access the url:

camisetas is the variable $categoria because of the rule in . htaccess

I want to access all the data in the column categoria_id table posts by name and not by id:

$query = "SELECT * FROM post where ".$categoria." ";

What instruction Inner Join use in this case? Or better how do I add Inner Join to that select?

I appreciate help


For the select I’m doing so:

public function dataview($query)

    $query = "SELECT * FROM post 
              JOIN categoria ON categoria.id_categoria = post.categoria_id 
              WHERE categoria.nome_categoria = '".$categoria."'"; 

        $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);


                echo // aqui as linhas que quero
                echo // aqui o que for necessario


For the Insert so:

public function add($titulo, $etc)
try {
        $stmt = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (o_titulo, o_etc)
                                           VALUES(:o_titulo, :o_etc)");
        return true;
    catch(PDOException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();    
        return false;

In htaccess I also determined the number of characters and type, mostly letters (no numbers and characters), within each part of the url /

This way it can be seen?

  • To complement, in your dataview method I would put the query this way: SELECT * FROM post 
 JOIN categoria ON categoria.id_categoria = post.categoria_id 
 WHERE categoria.nome_categoria = ? E would add $stmt->bindParam(1,$categoria); before the $stmt->execute();, most seems to be ok.

  • Thanks Antonio all working. O bindParam (as stated in the manual) and bindparam are different things? With minuscule p appeared no errors for me, the two forms do not appear errors, but in a post I read that bindparam with minuscule letters makes the bindParam don’t perform. I don’t know if this is true

  • Name of the functions in PHP are not case-sensitive, it means that if you call bindParam or bindparam is the same thing, you will be accessing the function normally. :)

  • Thank you so much @Antoniojr

1 answer


I believe that what you’re looking for would go something like this:

       JOIN categoria ON categoria.id_categoria = post.categoria_id 
WHERE id_post = 'id_do seu post'

You see, I’m your example:

$query = "SELECT * FROM post where ".$categoria." ";

Do you understand that $categoria executes the condition of your query, this is extremely vulnerable to sql Injection attacks.

I recommend doing some research on and how to improve this.

Anyway the query I presented to you makes the table JOIN post with the categoria, for id_categoria da categoria with categoria_id da post, just change the WHERE class condition of your query to the desired search condition in the post table.

  • Thank you Antonio, but to return only the names, t-shirt, star, etc, Where should not be the name_category?

  • Yes, you can do WHERE categoria.nome_catogoria = '".$categoria."'; but I keep warning, very careful with SQL Injection, this query is highly vulnerable, I recommend using PDO using prepare and bindParam, this link can help you:

  • Thank you @Antoniojr, it’s a great article, I learned a few more things that were difficult to understand before. I added information to my question, please see if it is vulnerable

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