Calculation of growth percentage


Viewed 2,423 times


I have three columns that would be month, recipe and expenses. For example:

Mês       | Receita | Despesas 
Janeiro   | 2500    | 1000 
Fevereiro | 1000    | 500 

I would like to demonstrate the percentage of growth using PHP and Mysql.

The archive .sql is as:

CREATE TABLE `financas`   
  `codusuario` int (11)NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `mes` varchar(100) NOT NULL,    
  `receitas` varchar(100) NOT NULL,    
  `despesas` text(100) NOT NULL,    
  PRIMARY KEY (`codusuario`)   

3 answers


Solution to Visualize Monthly Growth:

Follow a query to get the columns and the growth rate monthly (assuming that each line was a month). For larger or total periods, simply adapt the solution to use SUM and GROUP BY or accumulate data in more @variables.

SET @anterior=0;

      @subtotal := (receitas-despesas) AS subtotal,
      IF( @anterior !=0, (@subtotal/@anterior-1)*100, '?' ) AS crescimento,
      @anterior := @subtotal
   FROM rendimentos;

Line breaks are not necessary.

Notice that it pays to do two darlings separate, to simplify, one with SET and one with SELECT.

The IF used to calculate growth does the following::

  • if the previous value is non-zero, returns the growth rate in percentage.
  • if the previous value is zero, returns ?. You can replace the ? by the value you find convenient for your application, such as 100, for example.
    Without this IF we would have trouble making a split by zero.

Values are being returned in percentage. To return the numeric index only, simply remove the *100 of the formula.

Click here for a functional example on SQL Fiddle

Based on your Pastebin PHP code, to show the result:

$query1 = "SET @anterior=0;";
$query2 = "SELECT id, receitas, despesas, @subtotal := (receitas-despesas) AS subtotal, IF( @anterior !=0, (@subtotal/@anterior-1)*100, '?' ) AS crescimento, @anterior := @subtotal FROM rendimentos;";

$conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Erro na conexão com o banco de dados");
$db = mysql_select_db($d_b, $conn) or die("Erro na seleção do banco de dados");

$result1 = mysql_query(query1);
$result2 = mysql_query(query2);
echo "<table>";
while ($resultRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
   echo '<tr><td>';
   echo htmlentities($resultRow['id']);
   echo '</td><td>';
   echo htmlentities($resultRow['receitas']);
   echo '</td><td>';
   echo htmlentities($resultRow['despesas']);
   echo '</td><td>';
   echo htmlentities($resultRow['subtotal']);
   echo '</td><td>';
   echo htmlentities($resultRow['crescimento']);
   echo '</td></tr>';
echo "</table>";

IMPORTANT: Avoid using functions mysql_, because they are insecure and are obsolete. The example provided was only to be able to meet what was requested at the time. I recommend you study the functions mysqli_ and convert your code.

  • Show e to view the final percentage value in a php echo?

  • @theflash the problem is this: if you want this total growth ratio, you need to split the periods you want to calculate, otherwise the result changes completely. The growth rate is of a relative nature, it is not enough to take an average. If you want total from one year to the next, for example, you would have to calculate last year’s and that’s income, and apply the formula to those two values. It would be the same principle of the proposed formula, but using only the two totals (instead of calculating per month, calculate per year, for example).

  • Thanks again, this will help a lot. ;)


  • Thank you for the answer. However, I have doubts about the percentage of growth calculated with the values in the database.


SQL Fiddle link.

// Proposta utilizando PDO e cálculo do rendimento no PHP

function obterConexaoComOBancoDeDados ($bancoDeDados, $host, $usuario, $senha) {
    $dsn = "mysql:dbname=$bancoDeDados;host=$host";

    try {
        return new PDO($dsn, $usuario, $senha);
    } catch (PDOException $excecao) {
        echo "Falha ao tentar obter uma conexão com o Banco de Dados: {$excecao->getMessage()}";

$dbh = obterConexaoComOBancoDeDados("hgsandbox", "localhost", "root", "");

$sql = '
        (receita - despesa) AS liquido
    /* Seria necessário um WHERE?*/
        Usuario_id = :usuarioId

$usuarioId = 1; // Id de um usuário.

$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth->bindParam(':usuarioId', $usuarioId);

$linhas = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

foreach ($linhas as $indice => $linha) {
    if ($indice > 0) {
        $mesAtual = (int) $linha["mes"];
        $valorLiquidoAtual = (float) $linha["liquido"];

        $porcentagemAlteracao = (($valorLiquidoAtual/$valorLiquidoAnterior) - 1) * 100;

        echo "A porcentagem de alteração (crescimento/redução) do mês $mesAnterior para o $mesAtual é de {$porcentagemAlteracao}%.";

   $mesAnterior = (int) $linha["mes"];
   $valorLiquidoAnterior = (float) $linha["liquido"];
  • Thank you for the answer. I edited the question ;)

  • Thanks. It really helped a lot, what would be the format of the table in . sql for example month should be vachar, text etc...

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