How to add column in Mysql using SUM leaving column available for display


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I need to add some columns in Mysql, use the sum to make an average and make the columns available for display in a report, I tried to make the sum in the query in Mysql but it did not work, I will try to explain better with a picture of my database, I tried to make the sum using SUM thus:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The sql that picture is like this:

SELECT af.idAfericao,, af.produto,
       SUM(af.deterValMedia) AS SomaVarMedia,
       SUM(af.resultadoDestilacao) AS SomaDestilacao,
       SUM(af.diferenca) AS SomaDiferenca,
  FROM comUnidade cu,
       afericaoAgricola af,
       comColaborador cc
 WHERE af.idUnidade = 6
   AND af.idUnidade = cu.idUnidade
   AND af.ativo = 1
   AND af.classificador = cc.idColaborador
   AND BETWEEN '2016-02-10'
   AND '2016-02-16'
   AND af.deterUmidade='Dickey-John'
   AND af.produto='Soja'
   AND af.modeloDestilador='CA 50'
GROUP BY af.idAfericao

I wish I could have the result of the columns to display in my report, but I also need the sum of each column to make an average.

This is the model of the report: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Do a subquery on the select line only to calculate the sum and average meets you?

  • Do you want the sum to be divided into each line? That is, so that this Sum field is displayed only in the last line of the report in the totals?

  • Hello @Ipacheco, thanks for the reply.

  • Hello @gabrieloliveira, I need a sum of the columns exactly as you said.

  • What software are you using for reporting? I may be mistaken but in terms of query you would have no way to bring a line different from the others, they contain the same fields. In this case you need a line of totals, which is usually done in the application that handles the data. You only wanted this result with a Mysql query?

  • I’m using Dreamweaver CS6 @gabrieloliveira, you mean it would be better to do the sum by Dreamweaver?

  • But will this report be available in some web application? Or do you only need to generate it once?

  • It is generated whenever the user needs @gabrieloliveira.

  • So, but are you building an application to read this data and generate the report? In PHP?

  • If you want a line with SUM only at the end, use UNION to join the list SELECT with the SUM SELECT. Use the same conditions in the WHERE of both.

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1 answer


For some reason I don’t know and because it’s a legacy code, the table afericaoAgricola has the fields deterValMedia, resultadoDestilacao and diferenca defined as DataType VARCHAR(45), I hadn’t tried for such a detail. To solve my problem I did the following, I had to convert the values stored in these fields by changing the comma by dot, thus:

SELECT IdAfericao, CAST( REPLACE(afericaoAgricola.deterValMedia,',','.') as DECIMAL(18,2)) FROM afericaoAgricola WHERE afericaoAgricola.IdAfericao <= 20

That way I got the values right.

To accomplish the sum I did so: SELECT idAfericao, SUM(CAST( replace(afericaoAgricola.deterValMedia,',','.') as DECIMAL(18,2)) ) FROM afericaoAgricola WHERE afericaoAgricola.idAfericao <= 20

That’s how I got the figures right.

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