Replace in Angularjs


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<br><br>This powerful creation - forged in the image of a gargoyle - the kept<br><br> safe on his journeys, allowing him perform their important work without fear of retaliation from those hostile to their homeland.<br><br> That is, until the wrath of Noxian High Command with its sentinels.<br><br>

Using {{content.lore}} in my html I display the above text. When I try to use content.lore.replace("<br>", "") the words <br> are not replaced. How can I replace them?

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1 answer


One of the ways is by using a filter that converts HTML to text:

app.filter('htmlToText', function(){
  return function(html){        
     return angular.element('<div>').append(html || '').text();

In view:

{{content.lore | htmlToText}}

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