Connectionstring according to scenario


Viewed 59 times


Hello, good morning!

I have a project where there are two scenarios, which is approval and production. In this same project I created two connectionstrings, setting one for each scenario.

In the system these scenarios are divided into subdomains, such as and the itself.

Now comes the question: There is a way to create a configuration for the connectionstring adapt to the scenario? When I access the Homolog it automatically picks up the connectionstring of approval.

It’s like this:

    <add name="connectionstring_homolog" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=xxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxxxx; User ID=xxxxxx; pwd=xxxxxxx;" />
    <add name="connectionstring_prod" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=xxxxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxxxx; User ID=xxxx; pwd=xxxxx;" />

Remembering that I am using ASP.Net MVC.

Thank you in advance.

  • You can set up web.config to swap with Debug and Release. ?

  • Hello Jhonathan, I am trying to do through a session, do not know if it is a good practice, more how would that idea? Could I explain? Thank you.

1 answer


First you should look inside your application on the web.Config

In the web.config section put the following code:

  <connectionStrings configSource="WebConnStrDevelopment.config">
    <!-- @configSource será modificado na publicação. Ver Web.Release.config -->

Now in your Web.Release.config add the following code:

 <connectionStrings configSource="WebConnStrProduction.config" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(configSource)" />

Now add 2 new config files called (Webconnstrdevelopment and Webconnstrproduction)

Inside the Webconnstrdevelopment.config file add the following code:

    <add name="connectionstring"  //adicionar conexão de dev />

Inside the Webconnstrproduction.config file add the following code:

    <add name="connectionstring"  //adicionar conexão de prod/>

You can read more here on the MSDN

  • I’ll check, thank you very much Jhonathan!

  • @Bruno When publishing or debugging local, just switch from Debug to Release to switch between the connectivions

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