Dropdown Asp.net MVC


Viewed 110 times


I would like to do two dropdown in a view, I don’t want to dropdown through the model in the view because each dropdown is a different class.

I made the dropdowns with angular.js only that I failed to get the values when submitting the form.

I would like to do these dropdowns with call Get via Json or Ajax.

  • You can edit your question by putting in it the code already developed?

  • You want with Angular? Maybe this answer can help you. Just make the request Ajax when loading the page.

1 answer


Friends got popular the DropDownList via ajax as follows:


public ActionResult GetAntera()
        var List = db.Antera.ToList();
        return this.Json(List, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


function Teste() {
        url: "/Angiosperma/GetAntera/",
        success: function (data) {
            $("#teste").append('<option value>Selecione...</option>');
            $.each(data, function (index, element) {
                $("#teste").append('<option value="' + element.Id + '">' + element.NOME + '</option>');

$(document).ready(function () {



<select id="teste" name="teste" ></select>

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