Your binary does not support iPad


Viewed 105 times


I realized the creation of a "web app" using phonegap, when sending it to itunes, I got the following warning: "Your binary does not support iPad", how to proceed?

Someone could help me, because if I use a test license (provisioning file development) the same works perfectly, but when I try to search for my app in the Apple Store, it’s not even shown.

My xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget xmlns="" xmlns:gap=""

    meu App

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<access origin="*" />

1 answer


In fact, by the settings you presented, there is no support even for iPad, according to the target-device, is only compatible with Handset. If you want to make it universal, change to:

<preference name="target-device" value="universal" />

Now, I believe that "Your binary does not support iPad" It’s just a warning posted after sending, right? From what I understand, you already got approval of your application by Apple, however, the fact that you can not locate it in the store has to be available only to the "store of iPhones".

Note that stores may vary according to the device you access. So, if you’re accessing from an iPad, you won’t find it.

  • Because of this then, I appreciate the feedback @Paulo, I will update my xml, so search it uses this preference to specify in which store will be available.

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