Software that needs license for commercial use


Viewed 418 times


At XYZ the software Inforapid Search & Replace was downloaded to use in the IT department for when, for example, it is necessary to change the same line of code in several sources of the internal system that is given maintenance.

It is known that if this software is used for commercial use, it is necessary to license it.

The company in question, which is not a softwarehouse but an industry (i.e., does not sell software), also needs to pay the license even if it is only for internal use?

  • 1

    I do not understand why they denied the question.

  • 1

    I also don’t know why they were negative, but this seems to me a question of college work of IT Management. I was right? : D You probably have to graduate, but to be sure you have to read the license and if you still have questions, consult a lawyer (or, if it’s a question of college, just find the answer "right" in the book hehehe).

  • It’s not a college job. It’s a real case of a real company, but obviously I won’t go through all the details on the question. I went straight to the point.

  • Okay, but for what it’s worth, you have to study your license, there’s no other way to know. If you are lucky, pass by someone who has studied this license before (hard heim).

2 answers


The vast majority of the software license is related to the use of the product in question, regardless of the area of operation of those who purchase the product and product website there is no concession of use related to the area of activity. The only condition for free use is for non-commercial purposes.

Inforapid Search & Replace is freeware and may be copied, Distributed and used for private purposes without any Limitations. Installing and using the freeware version on a commercially used computer is Absolutely prohibited. In order to use the program commercially, you need one License (25 Euro) for Every user. If you want to License Inforapid Search & Replace for more than 10 users, then you can also buy a Much Cheaper site License. Please Ask me for Details.

You can get more information on the developer’s website or log in to contact with them to clarify any other doubt.

In Brazil the conditions for licensing and the penalties applicable to those who do not are described in Law No 9.609 of 19 February 1998. I recommend legalizing the software in question and refer a lawyer to guide how to act with this situation.

  • Grateful for the response. The company decided that the software should be uninstalled to avoid future complications.


Anywhere, mainly company with cnpj, duly registered, should only use licensed product, except in cases where the software developer allows use with limited version, for learning or non-commercial purposes.

I work in industry. I thought of "cracking" a CAD software (computer-aided drawing). IT management informed me that, even if I could install, with or without permission from the company, we would be tracked, the revenue or police Edral would be triggered, and the company at least would be fined.

I used to work in a small company that hacked the software so that the employees could work. A risk because eventually the Ministry of Labor audit engineering companies and they consult the licensing.

  • 2

    I remember that Embraer got a big fine because of pirated software that became news. If the software license does not allow free use for non-commercial use, it is best to avoid.

  • 1

    Grateful for the response. The company decided that the software should be uninstalled to avoid future complications.

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