Problem when updating Scope


Viewed 83 times


Guys, I’m having trouble with the $Cope. It happens as follows; I have a var in Scope and when updating it by inserting more lines, the view continues at the same height, thus not allowing scrolling to view all the content.

Example of the problem:

  • What scenario is it in? The value update is done inside a Directive, service, controller?

  • An example of the error is:

  • But what’s the real problem? There he added more content and I was able to go down to the end of the page, without problems. But it’s not with scroll but with clicking and dragging, because I believe to be mobile, correct?

  • Yes, I am using the Ionic Framework, which complicates Angularjs for mobile, take a look again at the code, updated.

1 answer


Alter your ion-content. I did a test here on codepen, see if mobile works.

<ion-content overflow-scroll="true">
  • This will only work for Desktop Web Browsers, mobile has a different scroll mode that ignores this option.

  • What if you use $ionicScrollDelegate.resize(); ? Codepen worked: $Scope.zuar = Function(){ $Scope.test = $Scope.test+$Scope.test; $ionicScrollDelegate.resize(); };

  • I tried too, but on mobile doesn’t make much difference.

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