Crie a função JavaScript chamada “contaCaracteresRestantes(idCampoTexto, idSpan)” que conte quantos caracteres restam no campo “txtVoce” e mostre esta quantidade de caracteres restantes no span“carResTxtVoce”. The field in the HTML code is defined as having 40 columns and 10 rows, that is, 400 characters. Tip: the function must be called in the onChange event of the "txtVoce" field. Tip 2: the input arguments idCampo and idSpan must be the id’s of the "txtVoce" field and the span "carResTxtVoce".
Please, I’ve tried, but I can’t resolve this issue, you can help me?
<div><label for="txtVoce">Faleme sobre você:</label></div>
<div><textarea id="txtVoce" maxlength="100" name="txtVoce" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>
<p><span id="carResTxtVoce" style="font-weight: bold;">400</span> caracteres restantes</p>