Navigation bar some no Xcode com Swift


Viewed 187 times


I am making an application in Swift in Xcode 7.2.1, I am using navigation controller in this application. I created the tabs using push, until then the navigation bars were appearing at the top. But I needed one of the Viewcontrollers not to show this bar, so I added this code in the viewDidLoad() of Viewcontroller that I should not show the bar.

self.navigationController?.navigationBarHidden = true

Everything worked perfectly in the execution, the bar keeps appearing in all the others except this one, but in Storyboard the bars no longer appear at all. disappeared from all views. in the execution it works as expected, but in the storyborad it does not appear in any way, nor if I delete the view and create another. I don’t know how to make them appear again, and I need them to finish editing them. someone knows how to make them appear again? inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Have you checked if you haven’t deleted the Navigationcontroller root in the storyboard?

1 answer


Have you added a navigationController? You can try doing Editor->Embeb in -> Navigation Controller for me makes it easier to work this way because I get more versatility.

  • Yes, I did this procedure, but after a while she no longer appears in the storyboard.

  • makes the call to pages where Navigation does not appear as follows let mapViewControllerObejct = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("StoryBoardID") as? NomeDaPágina
 self.navigationController?.pushViewController(mapViewControllerObejct!, animated: true)

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