I am completing a project, creating an application that simulates an antivirus.
The application is in Delphi, what I want to know is how antivirus do to register a process as user system, and when you click to finish the process appears , 'Access Denied!'.
Below I found a light only that records the process in the system, but without success.
Function RegisterServiceProcess(DwProcessID, dwType: DWord): DWord; StdCall; External 'KERNEL32.dll';
//Para chamar
RegisterServiceProcess(GetCurrentProcessID, 1);
Some light?
Good evening, maybe this post reads help... http://www.activedelphi.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?t=62164&sid=9c81985c50d8cd96b914bdc6f263d66f
– Rodrigo