Mount screen on Android


Viewed 359 times


I’m developing an application on android and I’m in a part that I need to put many items on the screen and so it doesn’t get too messy, I thought of putting a screen with the style of the image that is below

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Selecting the items to the left and changing the direct, I searched the internet but I did not find, hold on could help me as I can ride this style. I’m using Android Studio, to develop.

2 answers


This screen uses the class Fragments.

You can combine several Fragments in just one Activity to build a graphical interface with multiple panels. What’s more, you can reuse your Fragments in multiple activities.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

You can think of a Fragment as a modular section of a Activity, which has its own life cylindrical, receives its own input events, and which you can add or remove while the Activity is spinning. It’s a kind of sub Activity which can be reused in different activities.

Source: Fragments | Android Developers

Extra source: Multi-pane Development in Android with Fragments - Tutorial

  • Thanks... I’ll start studying here to implement.


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