How to read a return Map<String, String> Java in javascript?


Viewed 189 times


When making a request to a java control that returns a key map and value "String":

public Map< String, String > teste() {
    Map< String, String > teste = new HashMap< String, String >();
    teste.put( "Teste", "Teste" );
    return teste;

When printing the request assigned to the variable accessing the service.


Returned an error in the javascript log.

Error: [$resource:badcfg] Error in resource configuration. Expected response to contain an array but got an object

How to get this value returned from Map in Javascrip?

  • This variable receives the value of the service that then fetches the value in the java controller on the back.

1 answer


To determine with certainty the problem would have to have the code that makes the call, but based on two answers of the OS with the same error message, I can assume that the problem can be fixed using one of the solutions below.

  1. You can add isArray: false if you’re using the action query, thus:

    'query: {method: 'GET', isArray: false }

  2. Or you can try to use the action get instead of query.

  • I was really hoping that the request would be an array, with this modification to false now taking the right object. Thank you!!

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