How to make a sum in Lambda with recursive logic using successor and predecessor?


Viewed 752 times


I’m trying to assemble a Soma with recursive logic using just successor and predecessor in Lambda. But they’re not succeeding...

In the case:

suc = λx.x+1

ant = λx.x-1

I’ve done something like:


But I don’t know if this is right... There’s no error code, because I didn’t implement it, I want to build logic.

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    Welcome to Stackoverflow. Friend I recommend that you read the Stack Overflow Tour, will help you to be clearer in your questions.

  • 1

    Your question is about python or lambda-Calculus?

  • It doesn’t matter, because it is possible to do it in Python.

  • Did you have any error code? Or the result was not as expected?

  • No, because I didn’t get to implement I’m wanting to assemble the logic.

  • 1

    Writing recursive lambda functions is a bit difficult, since functions have no name. You will need to use a fixed point operator or change your number definition (if you use Church numerals instead of Python integers it is easier to sum)

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1 answer


According to the OS response in English:

It is possible to assemble a logical sum (or other algorithms) with recursiveness using functions lambda in Python.

An important point about recursive functions is that, obligatorily, they must have a stop condition, that is, at some point, the algorithm must return to avoid an infinite looping (references at the end of the answer).

According to the answer above, there are several ways to create these expressions.

The examples below (recursively) perform the calculation:

soma = 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 55


a) Name the function lambda created (easier):

soma = lambda x: 1 if x == 1 else x+soma(x-1)


>>> soma = lambda x: 1 if x == 1 else x+soma(x-1)
>>> soma(10)

The variable soma receives the value of an anonymous function (lambda) and returns if the function parameter is 1 (stop condition).

If the value is greater than 1, it adds the value of the parameter x the result of a recursive call with parameter x-1, through the reference stored in the variable soma.

b) Using an auxiliary function:

def soma(f, *p, **kw):
    return f(f, *p, **kw)

soma( (lambda fr, x: 1 if x == 1 else x + fr(fr, x-1)), 10 )


>>> soma( (lambda fr, x: 1 if x == 1 else x + fr(fr, x-1)), 10 )

This type of function is known as Fixed point combinator (see references) or Y-Kombinator de Lemmy.

The auxiliary function soma receives 3 parameters:

  • f - will receive an anonymous function

  • *p - receives a list of positional parameters

  • **kw - receives a list of named parameters

consult: Keyword Arguments - Python Documentation (in English)

When calling the function soma, the first parameter reported is a function lambda which receives 2 parameters: the function itself (in fr) and the value 10.

The recursive call occurs in: x + fr(fr, x-1) and subsequently on return f(f, *p, **kw).

The stopping condition is the same as the previous one.

c) Only with anonymous functions (more complex):

(lambda f1: lambda v1: f1(f1, v1))(lambda f, x: 1 if x == 1 else x+f(f, x-1))(10)


>>> (lambda f1: lambda v1: f1(f1, v1))(lambda f, x: 1 if x == 1 else x+f(f, x-1))(10)

This function is also a variation of the Y-Kombinator de Lemmy.

Dividing the command line into 3 parts:

1) The first part is equivalent to the auxiliary function of the example (b) above.

The parameter f1 receives the function of item 2 (below) and the parameter v1 will receive the value 10, from the recursive call f1(f1, v1):

(lambda f1: lambda v1: f1(f1, v1))

2) The second part is the function that performs the calculation:

(lambda f, x: 1 if x == 1 else x+f(f, x-1))

3) The third part is value 10, which will be sent to the parameter v1, and, subsequently to x:


To facilitate understanding of this example, the command is equivalent to the example (to) as follows:

f1 = lambda f, x: 1 if x == 1 else x+f(f, x-1)
v1 = 10
f1(f1, v1)

For the tests, it was used Python 2.7.11.

Important: as the references, this type of code has academic utility and probably the use in production environments is not recommended.


Wikilivros - Algorithms and Data Structures/Recursiveness

Wikipedia - Recursiveness - computer science

Wikipedia - Lambda calculus

Wikipedia - Fixed point combinator

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