Work in a public body and we have numerous web applications in PHP and .NET.
I’m working on a standard layout so we can maintain visual identity across all systems.
Is there any way (tool/framework/API) where every developer, regardless of language, can use?
The structure we set up is: Header
, PostCss
, Navbar
, Content
, Sidebar
, PostScript
and Footer
In the PHP for example, I give a include
file and ready. I can still customize some variables like $tituloPagina
We’d still like to create sections like the Laravel Blade, where I can use @yield
and @section
The idea was to create an API and that in the URL, the programmer already passed the value of the variables and then mount the layout with the result’s JSON, or something like that, for example: ?tituloPagina=loremipsum&corpoPagina=centralizado
I don’t know if it can help you, but I usually use framework for similar cases. I use bootestrap or materialize it
– Nathan
You have not yet chosen an answer. Managed to solve your problem?
– durtto