Convert Date dd/mm/yyyy to ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd)


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I have a field called maskedTextBox2 in C# Windows Form, which contains a date mask in the format dd/mm/aaaa. How can I convert this string format aaaa-mm-dd to save to Mysql database, which uses dates in ISO 8601 format (aaaa-mm-dd)?

  • 1

    You have tried using STR_TO_DATE?

  • had not tried yet, but it worked, vlw!

  • 1

    I edited to fix the date format. Mysql’s yyyy-mm-dd format is not English, but standardized according to ISO 8601.


2 answers


Here is an example that should help you, I will copy it below to facilitate: Link.

How to convert a string into a Datetime (Programming Guide in C#)

It is common for programs to allow users to enter dates as string values. To convert a date string based on an object from System.DateTime, you can use the method of Convert.ToDateTime(String) or the static method of DateTime.Parse(String), as shown in the following example.

// Date strings are interpreted according to the current culture.
// If the culture is en-US, this is interpreted as "January 8, 2008",
// but if the user's computer is fr-FR, this is interpreted as "August 1, 2008"
string date = "01/08/2008";
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(date);            
Console.WriteLine("Year: {0}, Month: {1}, Day: {2}", dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day);

// Specify exactly how to interpret the string.
IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR", true);

// Alternate choice: If the string has been input by an end user, you might 
// want to format it according to the current culture:
// IFormatProvider culture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Parse(date, culture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal);
Console.WriteLine("Year: {0}, Month: {1}, Day {2}", dt2.Year, dt2.Month, dt2.Day);

/* Output (assuming first culture is en-US and second is fr-FR):
Year: 2008, Month: 1, Day: 8
Year: 2008, Month: 8, Day 1
  • It worked too, vlw!

  • @Augusto Blz, any doubt goes aew!


If you have to interpret a specific format independent of culture, use the Parseexact.Datetime method:

DateTime.ParseExact("01/04/2014", "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

I never used Mysql, but for SQL Server I would never use text (unless the date is saved as text in the database). I would use a SqlCommand with SqlParameters.

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