Codemirror does not display first in a modal


Viewed 35 times


Guys I am creating a standard model for reading XML and to facilitate the life of the system users, I am displaying a default model example in a modal with codemirror, however, it does not display at first, the code is only displayed when I click on the area of codemirror.

Modal de exibição do XML, ao clicar no centro o codemirror funciona

Method js codemirror

var editor_two = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code2"), {
        lineNumbers: true,
        matchBrackets: true,
        styleActiveLine: true,
        mode: "xml",
        htmlMode: true,

Modal method

   //exibe modal de xml padrao
    $(".btnPadraoXml").on("click", function () {
       //exibe modal
        //tentativas sem sucesso


1 answer


Follows code below:

    //exibe modal de xml padrao
    $(".btnPadraoXml").on("click", function () {   
        setTimeout(function() {            
        }, 2000);

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