Using Elasticsearch to do complex searches and then get the Ids for Mysql query


Viewed 386 times


I’m thinking of the following idea: Use Elasticsearch features to make complex searches instead of making direct queries to Mysql using many where. If I were to use MYSQL I would have to create many indexes.

So when I give one insert in my table I will also put the record in Elasticsearch, would make this complex query in Elasticserch and take the id's to then query Mysql using for example:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (1,4,8,9,21,54,87,...)

That would be feasible?

  • is using some programming language in the middle?

  • Yes, I am using PHP, with Laravel 5.1 framework

  • You can then try to break into two parts your logic, in the first part make the query in Elastic and by Laravel use the whereIn of Eloquent

  • gmsants, that’s what I said in the question. I wonder if this is a good approach, if it would be worth doing so.

  • I believe so. I don’t know Elasticsearch very well yet, I intend to study it in a few weeks. So I don’t risk leaving any answers for now.

  • 1

    Look, it seems to me a great waste of resources. Elastic Search can now return everything you need, you should not search twice.

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1 answer


I use this way to make my queries because the relevance is much bigger and faster with the ids in hand I do the query in mysql to return a result:

WHERE produtos.id_produto IN (id1,id2,id...) 
ORDER BY FIELD(id1,id2,id...)

Use the order by field so you don’t lose the order of the Elasticsearch score.

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