Query n:m using the Entity Framework


Viewed 41 times


My problem with doing a "Many-to-Many" query. Receiving a View ID. In other words, I receive an id from the selected framework. 1 Catechesis has a list of parishes and 1 Parochia has a list of Catecheses; A List of parishes has "1" trickery.
I receive the ID of the scam to select all parochials, this in the controller Catechesis. I hope to be explicit.


 public JsonResult GetParoquiasByVigararias(int id)

            var paroquias = from p in db.Paroquia
                            from c in db.Catequese.Where(?????)
                            select new { p.ParoquiaID, p.Nome };

            return Json(paroquias, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Model Catequese:

  public partial class Catequese {

        public Catequese()
            this.Paroquias = new HashSet<Paroquia>();
            this.Pessoas = new HashSet<Pessoa>();
            this.Inscricoes = new HashSet<Inscricao>();

        //chave primária e forasteira
        public int CatequeseID { get; set; }
        public String NomeCatequese { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<Paroquia> Paroquias { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<Pessoa> Pessoas { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<Inscricao> Inscricoes { get; set; }
        //  public virtual ICollection<ParoquiaCatequese> Paroquia { get; set; }

Model Paroquia:

  public partial class Paroquia {

        public Paroquia()
            this.Catequese = new HashSet<Catequese>();

        //chave primaria
        public int ParoquiaID { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "Nome da Paróquia")]
        public String Nome { get; set; }

        //define a ligação a tabela vigararia
        [Display(Name = "Vigararia")]
        public int VigarariaID { get; set; }

        public virtual Vigararia Vigararia { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<Catequese> Catequese { get; set; }


1 answer


Okay. I was complicating a no complication.

 public JsonResult GetParoquiasByVigararias(int id)
            var paroquias = db.Paroquia
                .Where(p => p.VigarariaID == id)
                .Select(p => new { p.ParoquiaID, p.Nome })
              .OrderBy(p => p.Nome);  

            return Json(paroquias, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

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