Download HTML link from the bank


Viewed 1,304 times


I am recording an address in the bank and with ajax I search it for display to the user. Provisionally, I am recording it in the input below:

              <td><input type="text" name="anexo" id = "anexo" size="60"></td>

Ajax returns the correct value of the database, with HTTP and all:


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My question is: How could this become a hyperlink or download button? I tested button, onclick, but he couldn’t recognize the link. Thank you


The Ajax that loads the data is this:

       // Verifica se foi concluído com sucesso e a conexão fechada (readyState=4)
        if (xmlreq.readyState == 4) {
            // Verifica se o arquivo foi encontrado com sucesso
            if (xmlreq.status == 200) {
                //Se o retorno foi vazio do Oracle
                if (xmlreq.responseText == "") {
                    alert("Não existe o projeto informado!");
                    ids.forEach(function (id) {
                        document.getElementById(id).value = '';
                        document.getElementById("projeto").value = '';
                //Se encontrou dados
                } else {
                    //Aqui recebe os dados do processa.php, abre e aplica nos campos desejados
                    var dados = JSON.parse(xmlreq.responseText);
                    // função para preencher os campos com os dados
                    ids.forEach(function (id) {
                        document.getElementById(id).value = dados[id];
            } else {
                result.innerHTML = "Erro: " + xmlreq.statusText;


Below I was able to open a new window by clicking, but instead of passing the url it passes this.value

              <td><input type="text" name="anexo" id = "anexo" onclick="location.href='this.value';" /></td>
  • Tried to insert the url into a hyperlink using the tag <a>?

  • I don’t know how to do this, because Ajax feeds the field by its id, on the page the value appears correctly, but as text only.

  • You are using jQuery or some other framework or pure Javascript?

  • I am using pure JS. I tried the answer below but gave Ajax error...

3 answers


Instead of putting the file path in an id put in href and use the download attribute, example:

var arquivoParaDownload = "";

$("a").prop('href', arquivoParaDownload); // Para jQuery =< 1.6 use attr()
<script src=""></script>
<a href="" download="DownloadMyJavascriptBookt">Download</a>

  • 1

    Remember that in more recent versions of jQuery the attr was replaced by prop. +1

  • I tried, but ajax does not load any of the other data and firebug is empty. Thank you

  • @Diego in your image you are using an input, use a <a> tag, if you have files that can be opened in the browser, for example pdf, open it in a new tab using target="_Blank"

  • @Gabrielrodrigues tried to use the <a> tag, but it returns nothing.


First you must use a hyperlink tag <a> and using Javascript you will add the URL to the attribute href using the function setAttribute.

Take the example:

var $meuLink = document.getElementById('meuLInk');
var minhaUrl = '/';
$meuLink.setAttribute('href', minhaUrl);
<a id="meuLInk">Link</a>

  • The url is not fixed, I am trying to adapt this code to get the value of the input when it is stored.

  • Just assign the value in your code, at the time you recover via AJAX.

  • I edited the question displaying Ajax, because I didn’t understand how I could change it. Thanks for the help.


Resolved as follows:

<td><input type="text" name="anexo" id = "anexo" size = "65" readonly = "true" onclick="location.href=this.value;" /></td>

When I click on the field, the download window opens. Thank you all for your help.

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