How to list parents and city in Anglican?


Viewed 598 times


Here’s what I wanna do:

Brazil Rio Grade do Sul Brazil Rio de Janeiro ... and so on.

It has how to do it in a table?

<table width="500" border="1">
        <td width="200" align="center">País</td>
        <td width="300" align="center">Estado</td>

Country and state are each in a table.

  • 1

    Please add more details to your question, including the code you already have, how you are getting the data and the expected result (if this is the problem).

  • I only have html, but not the controller to display the data.

  • But it was enough to understand how you wanted the return, I made an example for you in the reply.

2 answers


Complete example using your expected return.

You can run the code to test.

angular.module('myApp', [])
  .controller('EstadosController', function() {
    var estados = this;
    estados.lista = [{
      pais: 'Brasil',
      estado: 'Rio Grande do Sul'
    }, {
      pais: 'Brasil',
      estado: 'Santa Catarina'
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp">
  <div ng-controller="EstadosController as estados">
    <ul class="unstyled">
      <table width="500" border="1">
          <td width="200" align="center">País</td>
          <td width="300" align="center">Estado</td>
        <tr ng-repeat="estado in estados.lista">

If you solve your problem, please accept the answer and vote in favour.


There is, and it’s very simple. Just do this:

<tr ng-repeat="dados in meuScope">

Where meuScope is the value of $scope defined in controller.


$scope.meuScope = [
    {pais: 'Brasil', estado: 'Rio de Janeiro'},
    {pais: 'Brasil', estado: 'São Paulo'},

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