Problems with Dev-cpp


Viewed 107 times


I installed Dev-Cpp 5.5.1 and it presents an error like this when I try to compile:

"Failed to execute (and the file path)".

Can someone help me with that?

I already tried version and the same error happens.

  • 2

    Man, Dev-Cpp is a really old project... I didn’t even think it existed anymore.

  • This happens with every code you try to compile?

  • In antiquity devcpp comes right after turbo c++, get out of it. Are there still schools that use these two?...

  • @pepper_chico, I still use Devcpp not exactly this version, but wxDevCPP which is essentially the same IDE with Wxwidgets support.

1 answer


You are probably using Windows 32 bits and compiling for Windows 64 bits. Even though the compiler will run in 32 bits, the created executable will not work.

Try selecting a 32bit profile in Tools >> Compiler Options. If it is not there, try the 'profile Finder' button (the two yellow plus signs). Another alternative is to try to pass -M32 to the compiler.

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