Join with the same table more than once


Viewed 726 times


I’m having a problem performing a query.

The original table calls tbl_operacao, and contains the fields: id, tipo_operacao, idimovel, idproprietario, idlocatario, idseguro, idvalores.

When I call the values of idproprietario and idlocatario values come equal.

  `tbl_pessoas`.`nome` as 'nome2'
JOIN `tbl_imovel` 
  ON (`tbl_operacao`.`idimovel` = `tbl_imovel`.`id`)
JOIN `tbl_endereco` 
  ON (`tbl_operacao`.`idimovel` = `tbl_imovel`.`id` AND `tbl_imovel`.`idendereco` = `tbl_endereco`.`id`)
JOIN `tbl_pessoas` 
  ON (`tbl_operacao`.`idproprietario` = `tbl_pessoas`.`id`)
JOIN `tbl_pessoas` as ps2 
  ON (`tbl_operacao`.`idlocatario` = ps2.`id`)

I’ll need to create a stored Procedure or a Function to get the right values?

1 answer


Your query It took me a while to figure out what you wanted to do, but I guess that’s it:

  pro.`nome`      AS proprietario_nome,
  pro.`sobrenome` AS proprietario_sobrenome,
  loc.`nome`      AS locatario_nome,
  loc.`sobrenome` AS locatario_sobrenome
FROM      `tbl_operacao`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_imovel`           ON `tbl_operacao`.`idimovel` = `tbl_imovel`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_endereco`         ON `tbl_imovel`.`idendereco` = `tbl_endereco`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_pessoas`  AS pro  ON `tbl_operacao`.`idproprietario` = pro.`id`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_pessoas`  AS loc  ON `tbl_operacao`.`idlocatario`    = loc.`id`

The problem with your query original is that you asked twice the same thing, only changing the alias of the returned field, instead of setting the aliases of origin.

  • Thank you very much, I didn’t know you could put aliases at the source.

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