I have the following effect:
-webkit-filter: blur(1px);
-moz-filter: blur(1px);
-ms-filter: blur(1px);
-o-filter: blur(1px);
filter: blur(1px);
height: 300px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
background: #fff url("https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-RTxvEA_h-QE/VL0rqFeJUOI/AAAAAAAAAFA/FnwV5m9cSM0/w1920-h1200/BingWallpaper-2015-01-18.jpg") 50% 50%;
animation: anima-fundo 20s ease 1s infinite alternate;
-webkit-animation: anima-fundo 20s ease 1s infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: anima-fundo 20s ease 1s infinite alternate;
transition: 8s all;
-webkit-transition: 8s all;
-moz-transition: 8s all; }
@keyframes anima-fundo {
0% { background-position: 50% 50% }
25% { background-position: 55% 55% }
50% { background-position: 60% 45% }
75% { background-position: 40% 30% }
100% { background-position: 60% 40% }
@-webkit-keyframes anima-fundo {
0% { background-position: 50% 50% }
25% { background-position: 55% 55% }
50% { background-position: 60% 45% }
75% { background-position: 40% 30% }
100% { background-position: 60% 40% }
@-moz-keyframes anima-fundo {
0% { background-position: 50% 50% }
25% { background-position: 55% 55% }
50% { background-position: 60% 45% }
75% { background-position: 40% 30% }
100% { background-position: 60% 40% }
<div class="fundo"></div>
I wanted to know how I make it smoother and more random, if you observe, it is always going on an equal diagonal, on the issue of softness, notice that it is half 'square' when changing direction is very dry and breaks the cool effect..
So, how can I make it smoother and more random? I’ve been through everything but I can’t make progress.
What do you mean by "Blur", an impression of speed when moving?
– Samir Braga
is a blur effect, I will remove it from the post, because his problem was not working in all browsers (in some they got very bad), but I was able to fix.– Leonardo
I know what Blur is, rsrs, my doubt was just how to apply it, but how will you get it out...
– Samir Braga
ah yes kkk, would just apply it in div, but already applied :p
– Leonardo
If my answer answered your question, mark it as correct, please.
– RBoschini