How to prevent Highchart from connecting the ends of the series?


Viewed 38 times


I’m creating a chart using Highcharts that shows results that end the following month, example from day 5 December 2015 to 4 de January de 2016.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As you can see, in the image there is a line connecting day 5 to day 4 of the other month, this line only appears when the date ends the following month, how do I prevent that line to appear?

Link to the jsfiddle example:

Obs: the date is in milliseconds, on November 5 there is a value of 610, and on January 4 value 0.

1 answer


Your lines are connected by the order you are going through and not by the "range" between one and the other.

So your array you were passing some points that came before this "first" there, consequently as it is higher in the Y axis it ends up appearing, thing that would not happen if it was in the 0 axis because it would be "invisible".

I updated the fiddle for you to see, but the ideal would be to order the dates, I just put in a way that does not appear.

  • Indeed, he believed that the highchart automatically organized in the order of datetime and not by the last order, strange this. Thanks!

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