How to Write Product Checkbox and Id to Mysql


Viewed 196 times


I’m trying to record some checkbox plus the ID product in my database MySQL but I’m not getting it, what I have so far is this:

The form:

<input class="chk" type="checkbox" name="cores[]" value="<?php echo $row_RsCores['id_cor_textura']; ?>" />
<input name="IdProduto" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $id_produto; ?>">

The script that should perform the recording:

$IdProduto = $_POST['IdProduto'];
$itens = $_REQUEST['cores'];

if (!empty($itens)) {                
    $qtd = count($itens);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $qtd; $i++) {
        // echo $itens[$i];//imprime o item corrente

        mysql_select_db($database_conexao, $conexao);
        $query = "INSERT INTO produto_textura  

   $queryExec = mysql_query($query, $conexao) or die( "Erro ao inserir checks no banco de dados.");

The error that occurs is this:

"Erro ao inserir checks no banco de dados."

Man MySQL is like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • ve what error is wrong? $queryExec = mysql_query($query, $connected) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());

  • Hello @Marcelodiniz, I just appeared "1" and is being sent to the bank only the last record.

  • Is it always the same product id(that Hidden input)? and mysql_select_db must be out of for. Another test you can do is to print the generated sqls and run them all in the database at once.

  • Hello $rray, yes the product will be inserted only once and I gave an echo to show the generated sql and it just shows me the last record of 4 I’m trying to iserir.

2 answers


The columns id_produto and id_cor_textura are of type int and you are trying to insert values of type string. Besides, you’re trying to insert "$IdProduto" instead of the variable value IdProduto.

Change the query to insert values with correct types and correct references:

$query = "INSERT INTO produto_textura  

If it doesn’t work, change the query result to show the query execution error:

$queryExec = mysql_query($query, $conexao) or die( "Erro ao inserir registro no  banco de dados: ".mysql_error());
  • I didn’t quite understand what you meant: "Also, you’re trying to enter "$Idproduct" instead of the value of the Idproduct variable." The $Idproduct variable in the query has the value rescued from my Idproduct from my form.


The last record is inserted because the value of $query is reactivated every time around the is, ie the mysql_query() must be inside the for to enter N records.

Look at the problem:

for ($i = 0; $i < $qtd; $i++) {
        $query = "INSERT INTO produto_textura  
} // <--- fim do for

//apenas o último valor dentro de $query será inserido.
$queryExec = mysql_query($query, $conexao) or die( "Erro ao inserir checks no banco de dados.");

It is possible to make some simplifications, such as mounting an Insert template with N values so only one query is sent to the bank. Remove the mysql_select_db() from inside the for.

mysql_select_db($database_connected, $connected);

$IdProduto = $_POST['IdProduto'];
$itens = $_REQUEST['cores'];

if (!empty($itens)) {
    $query = "INSERT INTO produto_textura (id_produto, id_cor_textura) VALUES ";                
    foreach($itens as $item){
        $query .= sprintf("('%s','%s'),", $IdProduto, $item);
    $query = trim(',', $query);
    $queryExec = mysql_query($query, $conexao) or die(mysql_error());
  • Thanks @rray, I was sure I was making a mistake childish but could not see the problem, again thank you.

  • @adventistapr, what is the sql error?

  • Hello @rray, the error that was occurring was this: "Error inserting checks into database." but the same was happening because the initial logic was with a programming failure. Thanks for the excellent code completing your reply, excellent.

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